Venue and Time
Date : January 21st
Time : 9:00-17:00
Place : Islande hotel
Time : 9:00-17:00
Place : Islande hotel
Mastering Continuous Inspection with SonarQube
Patroklos Papapetrou
Detailed Program
- Introduction to SonarQube.
- The 7 axes of quality and the Technical Debt.
- Picking a metric to improve.
- Basic principles of Continuous Inspection.
- SonarQube Inspection Modes – CI Integration
- Applying Continuous integration – SonarQube star features (differential views, Quality profiles, Quality gates etc. )
- Strategies to adopt SonarQube.
Lambdas & Streams
- Behaviour Parameterisation
- What is a lambda?
- Method references
- Collection Processing
- Stream operations and patterns
- Stream Optimization
Collectors & Data Parallelism
- Grouping and partitioning
- Collection Operations
- Arithmetic collectors
- Advanced Queries
- What is Data Parallelism?
- Parallelising your streams
- Decomposition performance
Limited attendance :
The number of attendees for this workshop is limited to 20 persons.